Monthly update for September 2018
September 2018
Hi there!
August is the 12th full month that I worked on Listen Notes full-time. One Full Year! The exact date that I started working on Listen Notes full-time was September 16, 2017.
A lot of improvements on Listen API.
I took a one-week vacation in Taiwan. This is the first true vacation I took in the past 2.5 years. Feel recharged!
Nothing :) Still having fun.
You can read past issues of this monthly update.
Product updates
1. 10% of podcasts in our database have social accounts (e.g., Twitter) & relevant urls (e.g., Spotify, YouTube...). More to come. This sounds trivial, but I spent some time building internal tools to make it easy to collect these information.
2. Improved ranking algorithms for the search engine, which involved some data cleaning & small tweaks on weights of different ranking signals.
3. A cleaner version of the API marketing page.
4. Listen API returns more data now, including episode-specific images, podcast social accounts & urls, classified ads, and listennotes_url.
5. Made a Paw file for API documentation.
6. Work in progress: a simple web app for Listen API demo, which will be open sourced soon.
7. Work in progress: some Listen Later improvements, which will be my main focus in October.
Company updates
I'll focus on some Listen Later improvements in October and explore monetization ideas at the end of this year. Hopefully Listen Notes, Inc. can be financially sustainable early next year :)
Some numbers
Database: 560k podcasts; 35.4 million episodes
Page views: 264k
Unique visitors: 68.5k
Blog posts
Thanks for reading! Drop me a line and tell me what you think about Listen Notes -- just reply this email or :)