Hi there!
This is the 46rd full month (3 YEARS and 10 months) that I worked on Listen Notes full-time. Hope you are doing well and staying safe!
Product updates
Over the past 3 months, we’ve done one and only one thing: Rewrote the entire web ui of listennotes.com. That’s it :)
Specifically, we migrated from Bootstrap & jQuery to Tailwind & alpine, and upgraded ReactJs & Webpack to the latest versions. Of course, we also fixed some bugs, paid some technical debt, and made the code base a bit more maintainable.
At this moment, ListenNotes.com has evolved into a complex web app, which has many public pages and way more internal pages that are invisible to users.
I think Listen Notes has entered the mature stage. Most of future improvements will be invisible to most users (e.g., niche features for paid users, improving data quality & infra…) or only be useful to a small portion of users (e.g., adding one more search filter…).
I wouldn’t say Listen Notes is “finished”. But I’m afraid that adding new (user-facing) product features may just make the user experience worse - "gild the lily" or "画蛇添足" (draw legs on a snake; overdo things).
Thanks for reading! Drop me a line and tell me what you think about Listen Notes -- just reply this email or hello@listennotes.com :)
Stay safe!